Funding the Minimum Wage Increase There’s a good chance that in January 2017 the minimum wage in California will increase to $13/ hour. That’s about a 5 % increase each year since 2008. As a small or medium sized business are you prepared to cover the cost of the increase? I expect this will mostly […]
The importance of business liquidity
The news from Greece is disturbing. While I highly doubt it’ll affect the U.S. I feel for those small businesses in Greece struggling to keep their doors open because they don’t have access to cash to pay their employees, or buy inventory or maybe even pay the electric bill. They don’t have good access to cash to meet […]
Financial Independence Day
Our Independence Day is coming up on July 4th. And it makes me wonder, what does it mean to be independent? And what does it mean to be financially independent? What’s troublesome and yet delightful is that financial independence is an ideal state. It’s not a destination really, it’s a place that’s not on a […]
Investors Invest in Character
One of the key reasons that investors will invest in your company is that you demonstrate good character. In the beginning stages it’s the most valuable asset that a small business or start-up has. Here are six examples of how to demonstrate good character in a business money relationship. Show Trust – Do what you […]
6/15 Sam Adams Brewing the American Dream
Are you a food, beverage or hospitality small business owner? Are you looking for marketing, packaging, legal, financial or sales and distribution advice? We can help! I’ll be there as part of the team – speed coaching on planning for profitability. Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream and Accion are excited to host a Speed Coaching event […]
5/30 at 4pm “Funding your San Diego Small Business”
This Saturday at 4pm I’m guest speaker for the Mompreneurs meetup about “How to fund your small business in San Diego” When you leave you’ll know three things in each of these 3 must know areas of funding and tips on how to prepare for a conversation in each: 1. Bootstrapping 2. Looking for lenders […]
#1 Tip for small biz with cash flow problems
I got a mention in this blog that asked small business finance experts what’s the #1 tip for cash flow problems. Mine was if you’ve got a real business be PREPARED to ask for assistance from friends and family. Most of the tips are sound advice but some focus too much on the tools rather […]
Local Investing
There is a huge psychological feel good factor from investing locally in small businesses and organizations. I agree that it’s a really good for San Diegans to invest locally but you should know the financial risks involved. The two major ones to be aware of are: 1. If you’re lending money locally it’s not an […]
Price and Quantity are key to business growth
Mind Your Ps and Qs Today I’ll present to first year students at Grossmont College on the importance of Accounting. Most eyes will glaze over, and yet one or two students will get it. They will understand that if you have good accounting practices it will be indispensable to make decisions on how to grow […]
A Good Citizen’s Dream – Good Health for the nation
I am a good citizen. I vote, I carefully recycle bottles and cans, I’ve saved enough for my retirement. But, what’s really nagging me is the price of paying for my own health-care. Even after analyzing the “Affordable Health Care” act that is still very very ambiguous I’m destined to pay at least $450 out […]